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Improve your Impact

🤔How can you improve your impact when presenting and running crucial meetings?

💯 Think about who is in the room.

💯 It’s likely to include a mix of people with different communication preferences.

🎯 Challenge yourself to engage everyone.

🎯 Try using a range of techniques that appeal to their preferences. 

📊Analytical: Use bullet points, charts or graphs to present information.

👷‍♀️Structural: Use hands on experiences and time to practice.

📖Social: Tell stories with emotion and personalise the content.

🧪Conceptual: Vary the format as well as including visuals and experimental activities.

😄Expressiveness: Provide opportunities to work independently and in group.

⌚️Assertiveness: Make time to share questions and opinions.

📋Flexibility: Stick to the plan when possible and offer a variety of ways to accomplish a task.

Why bother?

🎯Achieve a tenfold improvement in work ethic & innovation.

🎯Increase productivity by 25%.

🎯Improve communication by 50%.

👉 If you want your team to better understand eachother and supercharge their engagement please get in touch to understand how you can experience one of my leadership programmes which include Emergenetics profiling for your team.

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