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Training & Development


🤔 How do you effectively train & develop an international commercial group remotely?

🌎 I've just finished running another 4 day sales programme virtually on Design Thinking to a global group of commercial leaders from Ericsson on behalf of Imparta#Taiwan #China #Italy #Tuniasia #Australia #Angola #Indonesia #Malaysia #Bunai #Sweden #Ethiopia #India #UAE

Ericsson's Commercial Leaders - Group 27

😬 One of the biggest challenges delivering training remotely is creating energy and engagement. You have to work twice as hard compared with face to face training, and it's twice as tiring. 

Here's a few tips on what you can do:

⚡ Create Energy: through your voice, body language, curious questions and tuning into the delegates - particularly their cultures if it's an international group.

🧠 High levels of Interaction: create lots of different opportunities for the delegates to engage. Open discussions, break-out exercises in groups, quizzes, questions & answers, pausing for reflection and feedback.

🛠 Structured Content & Tools: work through structured content and tools, whilst allowing the delegates to practice using them based on real life business scenarios.

💡 Insights, Experience & Expertise: tune into the delegates challenges and issues and provide relevant insights and business examples that help embed the learnings.

🌐 Finally one of the most powerful ongoing assets for groups that go on these types of training is "the group itself". Creating their own leadership community that can continue to engage, share and support each other from across the organisation can be very powerful. 

🚀 Your support network gives you energy and confidence to perform at your full potential.

🙏 As always I really appreciate the positive feedback:

👏 "This was a wonderful training Mark, learnt a lot in all these sessions. Thanks for all your time!"

👏 "Thanks, Mark, for the engagement and knowledge!"

👏 " Got to learn great tools and methodologies Mark! Thank you so very" much!"

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