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Winning Deals


🤔 How do you get groups to collaborate, engage and learn effectively?

🧠 I've just finished a 3 day programme on "Winning Deals" with a Sales Leadership team from a global logistics company on behalf of Imparta at the Warwick Conferences facilities on the University of Warwick campus.

👏 What a fantastic group to work with - great enthusiasm, energy, engagement and willingness to learn and grow their sales capabilities.

We've learnt the importance of:

🎯 creating Trust to ensure a deal gets done

🎯 influencing stakeholders & actions to move deals forward

🎯 bringing Insights to create high levels of value in deals for all parties

🎯 navigating the Buying Cycles to effectively win deals

🙏 Thank you to Jo Leslie and Sascha Tilli for trusting me with your European sales team.

Winning Deals - 3 Day Programme for Sales Leaders at Warwick University
Winning Deals - 3 Day Programme for Sales Leaders at Warwick University

👏 Well done to everyone for engaging so positively - thank you 👏 

💯 It's also great to get positive feedback & know you've had a real impact

🙏 "It's amazing, I am loving it. New dimensional thinking" 

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